
It’s been a rough week, friends.  Long ago, I resolved that whenever I found myself in a blue mood, I would stop and come up with 10 things I’m thankful for.  This simple exercise helps me realize that even though the challenges, stressors, and conflicts in my life can seem stifling, there is always something to be thankful for.

Ben and I had almost two weeks’ worth of visitors here in OKC.  We were so glad our family and friends came to visit (yay for spring breaks!).  It was a joy to have them here.  Lots of laughter and good food filled our home.   The goodbyes, on the other hand, were not so joyful.  It’s hard to say goodbye not knowing when I’ll be able to see people I love so dearly again.  For some of those days, I felt more myself than I have in a long time.  And that was something to be thankful for.  My introverted self has been quite tired after the constant hostessing, so I’m looking forward to a couple quiet hours this weekend to recoup.  But I wouldn’t trade having a busy house for anything.

I got word last weekend that a friend and former coworker from Pensacola was killed in a car accident last weekend.  She was my first non-Navy friend in Pensacola.  Kristen exuded such contagious joy and was known by all for her thoughtful generosity, kind heart, and pleasant company (and she had a great name).  Her father married Ben and I.  We enjoyed holiday meals, baseball games, and relaxing afternoons with her family; they made us feel like part of their own.  As I write this, the funeral is taking place in her hometown of Fairhope, Alabama.  I wish I could be there to pay my respects, to mourn alongside the many others who were privileged to know her, and to celebrate what she meant to us all.  You were taken much too soon, Kristen.  (And here’s my PSA in response to her accident: WEAR YOUR SEATBELT, friends.  Please.)

Life has had a strong sense of uncertainty lately.  It has reminded me (again) that so little is in our control.  I’ve done my best to control what I can control, to remain the eternal optimist and look for the good in everything.  I just finished reading The Silver Linings Playbook, which was a perfect companion this week.  I loved Pat’s commitment to finding the silver lining in every situation, and his compassion for those who were struggling.

So, in response to this week’s struggles, I give you 10 good things in my life:

  1. I’m thankful for the promise of spring, and the rejuvenation that comes along with it.  Every time I see a tulip, it makes me happy.  (…and there are lots of tulips here at OU!)
  2. I’m oh-so-thankful for my adorable, lovable foster pup, Charlie.  He is such a great example of unconditional love and true devotion, and he has an endless supply of snuggles and kisses.  He was such a good host to all of our guests – he taught everyone the correct way to play tug-of-war (…which means he always wins.).  Little brother, Nimitz, is now 3 weeks old!  We’ll get to bring him home next month.


    whatcha doin’? can I sit in your lap?
    …my name is Charlie. and I like to hover.

  3. This week, I got to take part in a women’s philanthropy event here at OU.  It was really encouraging to be in a room full of women who are committed to bettering the lives of others, investing in their communities, and inspiring people to be generous and compassionate.
  4. Ben Rector.  I’ve been listening to his music a lot this week.  He has a show coming up in Tulsa next month…perhaps a road trip is in order.
  5. We have a new grocery store in town called Sprouts.  I think it’s as close to Trader Joe’s as I’m going to get here in OKC.  I’m loving their produce and the bulk food section is amazing.  They are helping feed my granola addiction.
  6. Mad Men is back.
  7. I have some incredibly wise and loving people in my life.  I’m so grateful.
  8. Airplanes.  Because let’s face it: too many of you are too far away.
  9. Self-serve frozen yogurt bars.  And they are everywhere here in OKC.  Love.
  10. I’m grateful for all the experiences, good and bad, that have led me to where I am today.  I’m continuing to learn, to grow, to be challenged and changed.

What’s good in your life, friends?  There has to be something…

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One response to “overcome.

  1. Hilary

    Love you, friend. Way to look for the positive in the discouraging moments.

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